Now that we have learnt about semaphores and mutexes, let us write programs using these for the classical IPC problems. I give solution to one version(either using semaphores or using mutexes) per problem. The other versions for each problem is left as an exercise for the reader;)
I will be giving solutions to 4 different problems.
Producer Consumer ProblemDining Philosophers problem
Sleeping Barber problem
Readers-Writers problem
Note: I will be using the functions which I have provided in my previous post, for semaphores, which is in the file "mysem.c".
Producer-Consumer Problem:Semaphore Version
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<pthread.h> #include "mysem.c" #define MAX_BUF 10 int *buffer; int head=0,tail=0,item_id=1; int count=0; int sem_ID; // 3 semaphores... { Mutex, Empty, Full} int fflag=0,eflag=0; void producer() { printf("Producer started\n"); while(1) { int v=0; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); if(count==MAX_BUF) { printf("Producer waiting\n"); fflag=1; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sem_change(sem_ID, 2, -1); sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); //Waits until a free slot is available } count++; buffer[head]=item_id++; if(count==1 && eflag==1) { eflag=0; sem_change(sem_ID, 1, 1); //To signal consumer thread that buffer is not empty } printf("produced item:%d \n", buffer[head]); head=(head+1)%MAX_BUF; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sleep(rand()%3); } } void consumer() { printf("consumer started\n"); while(1) { int v=0; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); if(count==0) { printf("Consumer Waiting\n"); eflag=1; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sem_change(sem_ID, 1, -1); sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); //Waits until an item is produced } count--; printf("consumed item:%d \n", buffer[tail]); tail=(tail+1)%MAX_BUF; if(count==MAX_BUF-1 && fflag==1) { fflag=0; sem_change(sem_ID, 2, 1); //To signal the producer thread that } buffer is not full sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sleep(rand()%4); } } int main() { buffer=(int*)calloc(MAX_BUF,sizeof(int)); pthread_t pro,con; int values[]={1,0,0}; sem_ID=sem_init_diff_val(3, values); //initialize with 1, 0, 0 pthread_create(&pro, NULL, (void*)&producer, NULL); pthread_create(&con, NULL, (void*)&consumer, NULL); pthread_join(pro,NULL); return 0; }
Dining Philosophers Problem:Mutex Version
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<pthread.h> #define PHILOSOPHERS 5 pthread_mutex_t spoon[PHILOSOPHERS]; //Intializes the philosopher threads void phil_init(int a, int* b, int* c) { *b=(a>0) ? a-1 : PHILOSOPHERS; *c=a; printf("Philosopher %d started\n", a+1); return; } int check_If_Spoons_Are_Available(int a, int b, int c) { int sum=0; if(a&1) { sum = pthread_mutex_trylock(&spoon[c])==0 ? 0 : 10; sum += pthread_mutex_trylock(&spoon[b])==0 ? 0 : 1; } else { sum = pthread_mutex_trylock(&spoon[b])==0 ? 0 : 1; sum += pthread_mutex_trylock(&spoon[c])==0 ? 0 : 10; } return sum; } void Release_Spoons(int a, int b, int c) { if(a&1) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&spoon[b]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&spoon[c]); } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&spoon[c]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&spoon[b]); } } void wait_for_others_to_finish(int a, int b ,int c, int d) { switch(a) { case 1: printf("Philosopher %d waiting since right spoon is unavailable\n",b+1); pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[c]); break; case 10: printf("Philosopher %d waiting since left spoon is unavailable\n", b+1); pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[d]); break; case 11: printf("Philosopher %d waiting since both spoons are unavailable\n", b+1); if(a&1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[d]); pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[c]); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[d]); pthread_mutex_lock(&spoon[c]); } break; } return; } void Eat(int a) { printf("philosopher %d eating\n", a+1); sleep(rand()%5); printf("philosopher %d finished eating\n", a+1); } void philo(void * arg) { int back; int front; int tmp; int id=*((int*)arg); phil_init(id, &back, &front); while(1) { printf("philosopher %d thinking\n", id+1); sleep(rand()%6); if((tmp=check_If_Spoons_Are_Available(id, back, front))!=0) wait_for_others_to_finish(tmp, id, back, front); Eat(id); Release_Spoons(*((int*)arg), back, front); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { pthread_t S[PHILOSOPHERS]; int *g; for(int i=0; i<PHILOSOPHERS; i++) pthread_mutex_init(&spoon[i], NULL); g=(int*)malloc(PHILOSOPHERS*sizeof(int)); for(int i=0; i<PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { g[i]=i; pthread_create(&S[i], NULL, (void*)&philo,(void*)&g[i]); } pthread_join(S[0], NULL); exit(0); }
Sleeping Barber Problem:Semaphore Version
#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<pthread.h> #include "mysem.c" #define MAX_C 5 int sem_ID; //----> creates a set of 5 semaphores. { mutex, cond_empty, counting semaphore, waiting semaphore, barber semaphore} int customers_count=0; int eflag=fflag=0; void barber() { printf("barber started\n"); while(1) { sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); if(customers_count==0) { printf("barber sleeping\n"); eflag=1; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sem_change(sem_ID, 1, -1); sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); } customers_count--; sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); sem_change(sem_ID, 3, 1); // printf("tail:%d\n", tail); // pthread_mutex_lock(&B); sem_change(sem_ID, 4, -1); // pthread_mutex_unlock(&B); } } void customer(void *arg) { //printf("C\n"); sem_change(sem_ID, 0, -1); if(customers_count==MAX_C) // If all seats are occupied exit the thread { int *ptr=(int*)arg; *ptr=0; printf("No place for customer %d so leaving\n", pthread_self()); sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); return; } customers_count++; if(customers_count==1 && eflag==1) { sem_change(sem_ID, 1, 1); eflag=0; } sem_change(sem_ID, 0, 1); printf("Customer %d got a place\n", pthread_self()); sem_change(sem_ID, 3, -1); printf("Cutting for %d customer\n", pthread_self()); sleep(rand()%5+4); sem_change(sem_ID, 4, 1); // printf("head:%d\n", head); // pthread_mutex_lock(&B); // pthread_mutex_unlock(&B); int *ptr=(int*)arg; *ptr=0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { pthread_t barber_thread; int live_threads[MAX_C+2]; // 0 = no thread is created with this index, // 1=there is a live thread with this index pthread_t customer_thread[MAX_C +2]; for(int i=0; i<MAX_C+2; i++) live_threads[i]=0; // initially all are dead state int array[]={1, 0, MAX_C, 0, 0}; // Initial values of different semaphores sem_ID=sem_init_diff_val(5,array); pthread_create(&barber_thread, NULL, (void*)&barber, NULL); sleep(2); //Continuous thread generator.... while(1) { for(int i=0; i<MAX_C+2; i++) { if(live_threads[i]==0) { live_threads[i]=1; pthread_create(&customer_thread[i], NULL, (void*)&customer, (void*)&live_threads[i]); sleep(rand()%4); } } } exit(0); }
Readers Writers Problem:Mutex Version
Note: The execution depends on the selection algorithm of the mutex.
#include<stdio.h> #include<pthread.h> pthread_mutex_t no_wait, no_acc, counter; int no_of_readers=0; void reader(void *arg) { int id=*((int*)arg); printf("reader %d started\n", id); while(1) { sleep(rand()%4); check_and_wait(id); read(id); } } void writer(void* arg) { int id=*((int*)arg); printf("writer %d started\n", id); while(1) { sleep(rand()%5); check_and_wait_if_busy(id); write(id); } } /*sub functions for reader and writer threads*/ void check_and_wait_if_busy(int id) { if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&no_wait)!=0){ printf("Writer %d Waiting\n", id); pthread_mutex_lock(&no_wait); } } void check_and_wait(int id) { if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&no_wait)!=0){ printf("Reader %d Waiting\n", id); pthread_mutex_lock(&no_wait); } } void read(int id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&counter); no_of_readers++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&counter); if(no_of_readers==1) pthread_mutex_lock(&no_acc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&no_wait); printf("reader %d reading...\n", id); sleep(rand()%5); printf("reader %d finished reading\n", id); pthread_mutex_lock(&counter); no_of_readers--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&counter); if(no_of_readers==0) pthread_mutex_unlock(&no_acc); } void write(int id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&no_acc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&no_wait); printf("Writer %d writing...\n", id); sleep(rand()%4+2); printf("Writer %d finished writing\n", id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&no_acc); } /**************************************************/ //MAIN int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { pthread_t R[5],W[5]; int ids[5]; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { ids[i]=i+1; pthread_create(&R[i], NULL, (void*)&reader, (void*)&ids[i]); pthread_create(&W[i], NULL, (void*)&writer, (void*)&ids[i]); } pthread_join(R[0], NULL); exit(0); }<<Prev Next>>